Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Interior Designer for Hogwarts

I don't know if  interior designer for Hogwarts is a witch, a wizard, a Muggle-born, or a half-blood, who so ever he/she is, has done a remarkable job. I love it, do you?

Love Dumbledore's desk

What is it?

About a year back I bought this cast iron piece from a local antique store. According to the tag, it is French, and antique. I got it because I liked the detail on it, not because it was French or antique. It looks like a pitcher, but it is not. Anyone wandering through this blog with any knowledge about it, please be kind to share?

Monday, December 27, 2010

Quote of the day:

"Some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty. It is not. It is the opposite of vulgarity".
Coco Chanel.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

To sit or not to sit

Saw this leather chair at an antique store, it was love at first sight, I wanted her to be mine, then and there. Beautiful lines, color, patina and good craftsmanship, all irresistible.  However could not find a price tag on it, it was for display only. A phone call to the dealer, beloved came home with me and settled down in my small study..

We have a problem,  this is a comfortable and inviting chair, you are tempted to sit in it, but what about the holes and cracks in the seat, is it going to cause further damage ? Question : To sit or not to sit?

Saturday, December 25, 2010



             Tent pegging pictures courtesy: Dawn

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Last night we drove around the Chesapeake compound in Nichols Hills, the Christmas lights are spectacular. Camera can not justify it, seeing is believing. Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Bad morning, Good afternoon

This morning was not good, I mean not bad, but not good either,  something was not right,
which meant no work today.

10:00AM, I am in  my beloved car and driving...... This is therapy time, feel good time.

First stop, The Market at Quail Spring, or as I call  "the Muse Market". I have a chat with a friend, she tells me how thrilled her 7 year old is, to get the antique brass owl I found at one of my "antique hunts" . I think I feel better, still need more therapy.

Second stop, French Quarter Antiques. As I browse around, I see this old church pew that makes me so excited. Actually, Petite wife and I are looking for an old church pew to put on one side of our kitchen dining table. This one seems to have right dimensions. It is on hold, tomorrow she can see it and make a decision. I am not leaving empty handed, three small brass candle holders:)

Final stop Red Chateau, this is an eye candy store, a lot of beautiful things that inspire you to open up your wallet. I look at these two prints in gold leaf frames and at a good price, but do I need them?  They look at me and say "please take us home we need you",  how can I say no?

12:55 PM, back in the car, turn on the stereo,  Charles Aznavour sings :
Emmenez-moi au bout de la terre
Emmenez-moi au pays des merveilles
Il me semble que la misère
Serait moins pénible au soleil.............................

Friday, December 17, 2010

What's in the name?

One can not find a decent name for a blog about design and art any more, all the good ones are already taken, even French translation of some of my favorite names were gone. My daughter suggested "Paisley Curtain".  I was not sure, but  that's what I have in my bedroom window, they are beautiful, we have changed the bedroom furniture, rugs and whole decor many a times but these curtain some how have found their niche in every makeover, thus have graced our windows in Kansas City, Boston and now here in Oklahoma.   I thought why not, they are very special.      

Final vote: Paisley Curtain it is.