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Monday, March 17, 2014

Baking French Macarons

Pistachio Macaron
I have been baking regularly this winter, and trying to perfect few recipes. Macaron de paris have been high on the list. Yesterday was Pistachio Macaron day. My very first macaron had "feet", and that brought tears to a set of eyes that hardly get wet. However the second crop got bad because of over confidence.

The effects of all this baking on the mood has been very pleasant but on my cholesterol and blood sugar; anything but pleasant. My doctor's warning email is a witness to that.

But these are small joys of life, would these be sacrificed because of a few point rise in your cholesterol or blood sugar?
Please excuse my self praise :) I think it is "kosher" once in a while. Have a nice week.

In case you want to try yourself and need the recipe, let me know, it is a tweaked version of Martha Stewart's, will be more than happy to share.