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Sunday, July 6, 2014

Asiatic Lilies, Cicada and June bugs..

In the South, summer is in full bloom and so are my Asiatic Lilies. Last winter was so brutal, we had doubts lilies would even survive. A lot of plants  did not make it through the winter but Asiatic Lilies have never bloomed better.

It is not just lilies, Cicadas, June Bugs and at night Fireflies are in abundance too, (we were told a hard winter means less bugs). Guess no one knows the secrets of mother nature.

It is 94 F (34.5 C) outside and I have to hand water a lot of plants, thanks to the watering restrictions by our town, can't turn on the sprinkler system today, but the plants are thirsty.  If I can drink water when I am thirsty why can't they?


  1. Watering restrictions? Didn't know that. Here in Düsseldorf it's around 23 C (73 F). Yesterday it was 86 F and tomorrow it'l be 60.8! I don't call this Summer!

    I'm glad your flowers made it!

    1. Yes every summer from the month of June we go through this exercise. Well my friend for taste of real summer you need to visit Oklahoma, Texas and other Southern states :) Europe you hardly see the kind of summer we enjoy here. "The dog days of summer".
