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Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Helga Pictures

Yesterday at one of my favorite antique stores I ended up finding a copy of 1st edition “The Helga Pictures”. Also in the book was a small leaflet from the 1987 exhibition of Helga Pictures at the National Gallery of Art as an added bonus. I have been looking for a copy for many years and am glad to have finally found one.

Andrew Wyeth is as American as Coca Cola but he is not at all generic, he was a unique person and a unique artist. His art is very mystical; one can spend a whole day looking at just one of his watercolors.

How often does an artist use a model for fifteen years and that also with out a third person knowing about it. And then keeping those 240 or so, works of art, hidden from any other human being during that period. This fact itself is so amazing that it adds so much more depth to the “The Helga Pictures”.

My copy of "The Helga Pictures"

The leaflet that was in the book

Andrew wyeth

1987 Time Magazine with Helga




Drawn Shade

A close up from Drawn Shade



On her knees

study for "on her knees"

Helga Testorf in 2006

Andrew Wyeth in front of one of Helga painting at
the National Galley of Art

Credits: google, paisleycurtain, brandywine museum etc.


  1. Hello:
    You will most likely think of us as philistines when we admit to knowing nothing of Andrew Wyeth nor of his work. So this post is of particular interest for the way in which, for us, it has opened a new door and given us an insight into clearly a very remarkable and very talented person whose work is clearly both interesting and fascinating.

    We are delighted that you have found a copy of 'The Helga Pictures'. We too collect certain First Editions so can appreciate and share in your joy.

    1. Jane and Lance that is why we say" everyday you learn something new". Andrew Wyeth was a great American artist of our time and I find his work very mystical.

      Yes of course it is a joy to find a rare book or a book that you have been looking for, I love to read and try to buy books some how I can not read a borrowed book :)

  2. Thank you so much for enlightening me on these paintings! I would love to find a copy of this book. The story sounds so fascinating! Andrew Wyeth is an icon in the art world indeed. I have had the privilege of meeting Jamie Wyeth whose work and talent does not fall far from the Family Tree...

    Art by Karena
    2012 Artist Series featuring Harrison Howard

    1. You are welcome. karena you are absolutely right, Jamie is not far behind, NC Wyeth, Then Andrew and now Jamie, the tradition goes on. Nelson Atkins has some Andrew Wyeth works in the new wing, if I am not wrong.

      Best wishes

  3. I worked at the Smithsonian, and always admired his somber and melancholic paintings in their collection. Wonderful find! Enjoy your book.

    1. Thanks Loi, I am enjoying the book and am glad to have found it.
