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Monday, November 12, 2012


These last few months have been crazy; we have gone through tornado outbreaks, hail storms, earthquakes, health scares what not, but all hell broke when I lost my father.  Some friends who had lost their fathers, said life is never the same after that. They were absolutely right. Time is a great healer, but do you ever get over this loss? 

I am glad he lived a very active and full life of 85 years, and was happily married for 55 years to my mother. Hope we all live good happy and purposeful lives like he did.

Best wishes.


  1. Hello:
    This is very sad news. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this most distressing point in your life.

    Both sets of our parents have now died and it is indeed a very strange feeling, almost as if one is orphaned.Suddenly one becomes acutely aware that those people to whom one turned for wisdom, support and unconditional love are no longer there and the future has to be faced without them.

    Although nothing is or can be the same again, one must take comfort from knowing that your father's life was one that was well lived and enjoyed to the full. For that one can be grateful.

    You have obviously had a most awful time recently.Now you must take care of yourself. Great care!!!!

  2. Jane and Lance thanks a lot for your words of comfort. You are absolutely right it is a strange feeling of loss like no other. But life moves on, that is the beauty of life.

  3. I am very, very sorry for the loss of your father. Both my parents are elderly and every time the phone rings, I am terrified. Please take care,

  4. Thank you Loi, I know how you feel, it is a constant fear in your mind of that one phone call. May your parents live long and healthy life. There is no words to describe the loss of a parent.

    Best wishes

    1. Thank you! I'm spending Thanksgiving with them.

    2. That is great, it would be a great Thanksgiving. My best wishes and regards for them.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks dear friend. That is some thing all of us have to go through.
      Best wishes

  6. That is so very bad, my friend. My deepest sympathy to you and your loved ones in these dark hours.

    1. Thanks Mike for your words of sympathy, they are very much appreciated.
      Take care

  7. I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. I know how much your Father meant to you. I will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers...

    Art by Karena

    1. Thanks Karena, thanks for your wishes. Parents are special.

      Best wishes
